Supreme Court Revokes Uddhav Thapa's Appointment as Koshi CM

Published 2023 Jul 27 Thursday

Kathmandu: The Supreme Court has revoked the appointment of Uddhav Thapa as the Chief Minister of the Koshi Province. The court ruled that Thapa's appointment was unconstitutional, as it was not supported by a majority in the provincial assembly.

The court's decision has left the Koshi Province without a Chief Minister. The next step is for the Governor of the province to appoint a new Chief Minister. The Governor is likely to appoint Hikmat Karki, the leader of the largest party in the provincial assembly, the Unified Marxist-Leninist Party (UML).

However, Karki is unlikely to be able to form a government without the support of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP). The RPP is the second-largest party in the provincial assembly, and its support is essential for Karki to form a majority government.

The political situation in Koshi Province remains uncertain. The RPP has not yet decided whether it will support Karki, and it is possible that the province will remain without a Chief Minister for some time.
